domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Language Exchange in Barcelona - Tandem - Meeting #3

And the third meet up arrived and as always was great!
(China,Spain, Germany,Sweden,England, United States, Rumania, Perú, Italy and Bolivia were present!)

Some of us had a long walk prior to the meeting  (11.82 km aprox.)

and some people arrived later

People from the first and second meeting were present too 

a few of us went to an Irish pub and some of us finished the day in a disco

But at the end was great, as always amazing people! the group is still growing!! Thanks for coming and really hope to see yoiu the next saturday guys 

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Language Exchange in Barcelona - Tandem - Meeting #2

Second week and the group is growing
(Rumania, Spain, Italy, Perú,Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia and England were present!)

Some of the prior exchange were able to come and new great people joined us!

Another great time with amazing people

(Some of us went on a 4 hour  walk before the meet up, (around 10 km)

 we spent a great time!

Thanks again gals & guys! 
See you hopefully all next saturday!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Language Exchange in Barcelona - Tandem - Meeting #1

Saturday 10/10/2015

Great Group, amazing people and a really great time (Spain, Sweden, Germany,Bolivia, England and Perú were present in our first meeting)

First we meet each other, talk for some time and had a great time

Then some of us deceided to go to the Octoberfest

And what can i say?

We had a really good time too

Thanks for the moment guys and see you soon again!!

Until the next time!

Language exchange in Barcelona (Tandem)

Llego a Barcelona, por un periodo de tiempo o para vivir, no conozco a nadie y no hablo español o soy de Sudamérica o Español y quiero hablar otro idioma europeo entonces:

¿Qué mejor que conocer gente nueva, aprender un idioma que me interesa y pasar un momento genial?

Quizá un café o una cerveza, en un parque, en un bar o un restaurante, aprender un nuevo idioma  o practicar uno que ya lo hablas, pero no lo practicas.

Pues que mejor forma que ir conociendo gente local o internacional o ambas, mientras que a la vez aprendes un poco mas de otras culturas y haces amigos de diferentes países.

¿Necesitas algo mas?

Language exchange in Barcelona "Tandem" es un grupo que se ha creado para poder conocer mas gente, aprender idiomas y pasar buenos momentos, ¿para qué sentirte solo en tierras desconocidas si puedes pasarlo muy bien con gente genial?

¿Para qué quedarte en tu casa sin nada que hacer, si puedes salir y compartir experiencias con tus nuevos amigos?

Pues ya sabes este pasado sábado fue nuestro primer meeting y esperamos hayan muchos mas!

!Únete a nosotros a la pagina del Facebook y apúntate a nuestros meetings que seguro la pasaras tan genial como la pasamos!

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